
Friday, May 16, 2008

Well, since the last time I updated the Treasures To Scrap Blog, there are been some big changes!!! First, you will notice that the blog is in the process of getting a new spring look!! The colors have changed a bit and some of the links have been updated. This is an on-going process, so look for other changes in days to come.

Updated Designer Blinkie
There have been a number of designers who have joined TTS. And as such, the designer blinkie that many of you sport has been updated!!! You do not have to make any changes to your siggies, the new blinkie automatically replaced the old one!!! If you are not wearing the TTS Designer Blinkie, you can snag it here!!!

New Releases
If you have been away for a while, you will definitely want to check out the New Releases at TTS. With the birth of my first grandchild, I have been a little "pre-occupied" and I did not realize until today how many fun, new products were in the digital store. I do feel a shopping spree coming on!!!!

Treasures Of The Sea
First, we need to recognize last week's Layout Of The Week - drum roll please - Kate's Rock A Bye Baby was voted the winner last week.

This week's Layout of the Day selections are:
5/13 - Jacinda's My First Bracket Album
5/14 - Danesa's Tanglewood Park
5/16 - hutchie's Baby Lainie Ryan

While voting has not yet opened up for this week's LOTW vote, you can check the Treasures of the Sea thread in the forum later today for that opportunity.

Well, I think that about covers it for today!!! Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!!!


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